How is Zeffy free?
How is Zeffy free?
Zeffy relies entirely on optional contributions from donors. At the payment confirmation step - we ask donors to leave an optional contribution to Zeffy.
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A 100% Free Alternative to DonorPerfect for your Nonprofit

Did you know there’s a zero-fee alternative to DonorPerfect out there? See why Nonprofits chose Zeffy over DonorPerfect for our zero-fee policy, the simplicity of our platform, and the quality of our customer support.

0% fees, always.
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2.5% per transaction
No monthly fees or subscription fees
Learn how we are 100% free >
Starting at $99 for 1,000 contacts

Up to $799/month for 75,000 contacts
Likelihood to
98.8% of Zeffy users would recommend it to other nonprofits
83.4% of DonorPerfect users would recommend it to other nonprofits
Value for
Rated 4.5 / 5 stars on Capterra for value for money
Rated 4.3 / 5 stars on Capterra for ease-of-use
Unlimited support with a team of nonprofit experts
Rated 4.7 / 5 stars on Capterra for customer support
0% transaction fees
0% platform fees
0% monthly fees
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2.5% per transaction

Monthly fees starting at $99/month for 1,000 contacts
0% fees, always.
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2.5% per transaction
No monthly fees or subscription fees
Learn how we are 100% free >
Starting at $99 for 1,000 contacts

Up to $799/month for 75,000 contacts
98.8% of Zeffy users would recommend it to other nonprofits
83.4% of Zeffy users would recommend it to other nonprofits
Rated 4.5 / 5 stars on Capterra for value for money
Rated 4.3 / 5 stars on Capterra for ease-of-use
Unlimited support with a team of nonprofit experts
Rated 4.7 / 5 stars on Capterra for customer support
0% transaction fees
0% platform fees
0% monthly fees
Learn how >
2.5% per transaction

Monthly fees starting at $99/month for 1,000 contacts

Calculate how much you can save with Zeffy

will be deposited into your bank account
On DonorPerfect,
$9,750 or less
will be deposited into your bank account
Every other fundraising platform charges 3%-10% in platform and credit card fees. Zeffy covers these fees for your nonprofit.
will be deposited into your bank account
On DonorPerfect,
$19,500 or less
will be deposited into your bank account
Every other fundraising platform charges 3%-10% in platform and credit card fees. Zeffy covers these fees for your nonprofit.
will be deposited into your bank account
On DonorPerfect,
$48,750 or less
will be deposited into your bank account
Every other fundraising platform charges 3%-10% in platform and credit card fees. Zeffy covers these fees for your nonprofit.
will be deposited into your bank account
On DonorPerfect,
$97,500 or less
will be deposited into your bank account
Every other fundraising platform charges 3%-10% in platform and credit card fees. Zeffy covers these fees for your nonprofit.
They chose Zeffy over DonorPerfect
“Zeffy is a dream solution for our fundraising. Working alongside the Zeffy team, we’ve had our two best fundraising years in our agency’s 60-year history! Customer service and integrity are second to none; it's obvious that they care about our success. We were shocked when the first donation came through at 100% of the donated amount. When they say "no fees," they actually mean it!”
- Sarah Cassidy - Corporate Services Coordinator, Community Living Parry Sound